Thursday, August 22, 2013

MSU Welcome Week Day 3: 8/27

Today is the last day of welcome week activities, before classes start tomorrow!

It is also my favorite day of welcome week, because Sparticipation is today!

(For specific times for the events, take a look at the welcome week schedule.)

There are colloquiums for all colleges today. Starting from 9AM until noon, and you are required (according to the website) to attend. I will be 100% honest, that I cannot remember if I want to this or not. I actually don't think that I did, because I don't remember it. But I don't know if that's because they didn't have it last year, or I wasn't required to go. I would totally recommend that you go though, just to learn more about your college.

You can still stop by Career Services for help finding student jobs, so if you have time, definitely try to go to get job-hunting and interview tips, and to polish your resume.

If you look at the welcome schedule, there are a lot of different programs and meetings for students of specific colleges (like James Madison students, Honors college students, etc.), so if you are part of a college, make sure that you pay attention to your schedule.

The "Fall Welcome Spartan Spectacular" starts at 4 P.M. at Munn Field. If you're walking, honestly, just follow the sounds of people and loud music. Anyways, this is the best event of the year. They serve food at this, but it is only if you have a meal plan (if you're an incoming freshman, you're covered). To encourage you to go to this, they usually close all dining halls during the Fall Welcome Spectacular. If nothing else, come for the experience! It's very loud and crowded, but it's a lot of fun and most of the booths give out free food.

There is music, and the MSU radio station is usually here, and it's very loud and crowded.

The best part of this, for me, is Sparticipation. It's basically a fair, where the student organizations put up tables with information about their groups and, to entice people, they usually have free stuff to pass out. (For some of them, you do have to sell your soul to get freebies because you sign up for e-mail lists. I received e-mails from the LEAF club twice a week all year, despite never attending the meetings, all for a packet of ramen.)

Come find me! I will be at the Pilipino American Student Society (PASS) table, talking about the organization and maybe giving away free stuff! (I'm not sure what just yet). Even though it's called Pilipino student society, we welcome anybody! I'll do an update with the times of our meetings later, but they're a great way to learn more about Filipino culture, and to eat Filipino food!

I will probably also be at the Asian Christian InterVarsity table, as well. Again, the name sounds a little bit intimidating, but you don't have to be Asian or Christian to join. It's a wonderful organization that holds a weekly small and large Bible study. Even if you're not Christian, they provide a wonderful support group and it's where I made my first friends on campus. I highly recommend checking them out!

If you're interested in more information from either group, just send me an e-mail or leave a comment and I'd be happy to send it to you!

Anyways, make sure that you browse around all of the different Sparticipation tables. There's so much free stuff to be given away! A lot of free pens, some shirts, Ramen, candy, etc. Take a look at the student organizations list to get a feel for the groups that you might want to join!

At around 9:30, they put on a wonderful fireworks show. I was only able to stay for part of it last year, but it's always big, exciting, and fun.

So if you have time, definitely come out to Sparticipation today! It's a fabulous event, I highly recommend it from the bottom of my heart. Just make sure not to stay out too late, because classes start tomorrow!

Go green!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

MSU Welcome Week Day 2: 8/26

(Take a look at the welcome week schedule to find exact times).

Congratulations Spartans! You should be all moved into your new home now!

(Just kidding. It took me a month to finish unpacking, to set up my stuff, and to get organized. I didn't bring my organization stuff (or clothes hangers) the first few days, and then classes started, so I had to find time to set everything up).

Today is when returning students will move in! If your roommate is a returning student (aka a sophomore, junior, or senior), I hope you learn a lot from them! Don't be afraid to try and set rules, just because they're older than you. They were freshman once too! I will probably be moving in on the 25th, just because I have a lot of stuff to get ready to promote PASS for Sparticipation!

Today will be a busy day! There's a lot of events planned, try to go to as many as you can. Today is Convocation at the Breslin Center.

Last year on the Facebook groups, everyone was asking each other if we had to go to the Convocation, since it starts at about 8:45 AM. Hubbard wanted us all to be in front of the dorm at 8AM, so that we could all walk across campus together. Supposedly, Convocation was incredibly mandatory.

I didn't get a lot of sleep after move in, so I strongly considered skipping. But then I was thinking, what if they give you something (like a card or something) that you need to prove that you went? And I'm not much of a rule breaker, anyways. So, since I didn't sleep, I went. Let me tell you something, it was both a good and bad idea.

Basically, a bunch of important people at the University (like the president, provost, and representatives from each of the college) go up and make a speech, as well as the author of the One Book, One Community book. For last year, since the book was set in India, they had the Indian dance group (not sure of the name... sorry) go up and perform, which was amazing. They also brought the Spartan Dischords to sing, which was also cool. But, that was pretty much the extent of the coolness. That was the reason that going was a good idea.

The reason that it was a bad idea is because: the walk from East Neighborhood to the Breslin Center (near Brody Neighborhood) is ridiculously long. It is usually hot and sunny in Michigan in August. It was very boring, other than the dance performance and the song from the Spartan Dischords. They do NOT have a way to check if you went or not, which I should have realized, since there were around 8,000 incoming freshman. Also, I got lost finding my way back to East, because I have no sense of direction. (I did make it, though!)

Anyways! I would say, go for the experience. But if you don't want to, no big deal. Even if rumors float around that it is mandatory, it really isn't. But something that they said, which definitely made me think, was the reason they have the convocation: Your first day on campus, you will be in Breslin for a welcome orientation. And on your last day on campus, you will be in Breslin for graduation.

During Welcome Week, you can go to Career Services (which is near north campus, I think... It's across from Grand River, near the big spaceship) to get help with resources to go job hunting. I didn't go, because I already have a job, but my friend said it was helpful to get their resume sorted out!

Until 8PM that night, all the rest of the events are pretty much college-specific. If you're in a certain college, take a look at the schedule.

At 8, they have Moonlight Madness at Meijer! The buses will leave from Munn Ice Arena at 8PM, and you can ride them to Meijer for free!! They make this a huge, crowded event at Meijer--they have free food, entertainment, and give-aways. The buses are always super packed, so plan well!

I hope you had fun! Tomorrow is Sparticipation, and your last day before classes on Wednesday!

Go Green!

Monday, August 19, 2013

MSU Welcome Week Day 1: 8/25

If you don't know what welcome week is, it is basically a series of events that go on from between the time you move in until classes start, designed to welcome you onto campus!

If you want to take a look at the schedule, you can click the link. But I'll just post a little bit about the days and the events.

This is move-in day for new students! I hope you enjoy the experience. There is a lot of excitement in the air because everyone is in the same boat as you: a new student!

Move-in for me was really easy, because my cousin and his friend (both MSU students) came to help me. And I lived on the first floor of Hubbard, so I didn't have to fight for the elevator or climb up the stairs. As I mentioned before, my roommate was on a trip until the day before classes started, so I had the room to myself for two nights. It was so nice, but I didn't really make a lot of (read: any) friends because I'm really shy and I didn't leave my dorm a lot, except for the required events.

Some things to know about move in: This is move in day for ALL new students from the United States. So, it's going to be incredibly busy around the dorms, there might not be very good/close parking spots (move in and move out days are pretty much the only times that they let you park on the grass) and since it's still "summer" in Michigan, it could be HOT. But after you're all moved in, the residence halls offer free food for you and your family, so you could treat them to a meal at the dining halls.

Anyways! You can see the list of activities on the site, but here's a few of the highlights.

There are usually floor meetings on move in day. It is important that you attend them because you can meet your floor Resident Assistants (RA) and your floormates. Also, if your floor has any particular rules (for instance, one side of Akers is "dry" so, no alcohol and some floors are quiet floors), then they will tell you them.

Personally! I moved in late in the day because I had to work, so I missed the floor meeting. (I also "missed" every meeting there after). Some RAs are cool with it and don't mind, but I know one RA who would use his master key to burst into dorms if people weren't at the meeting. Anyways, since this is your first day on campus, it would be great to at least know the names of the people who will be living in your hall! Your RA will probably send you an e-mail before you move in to let you know when the meeting will be.

There are two fun events on this night: Midnight Bingo Mania at the International Center (if you don't know where that is, use MSU maps. Also, International Center is a very good place to know because it is home to the Crossroads Food Court with Sparty's, Subway, Panda Express, Woody's Oasis, and Villa Pizza) where you can win some cool prizes, and also ice skating at Munn Ice Arena. I didn't go to either of them because my cousin took me around to show me campus and East Lansing, but some of my friends went and said it was very cool and fun.

That's all for the first day! I hope you have a fabulous time moving in, and that you make a lot of friends before classes start! Up next, I'll do a review on the next day of Welcome Week, to get you ready in the week before you move in!

Go green!