Thursday, August 22, 2013

MSU Welcome Week Day 3: 8/27

Today is the last day of welcome week activities, before classes start tomorrow!

It is also my favorite day of welcome week, because Sparticipation is today!

(For specific times for the events, take a look at the welcome week schedule.)

There are colloquiums for all colleges today. Starting from 9AM until noon, and you are required (according to the website) to attend. I will be 100% honest, that I cannot remember if I want to this or not. I actually don't think that I did, because I don't remember it. But I don't know if that's because they didn't have it last year, or I wasn't required to go. I would totally recommend that you go though, just to learn more about your college.

You can still stop by Career Services for help finding student jobs, so if you have time, definitely try to go to get job-hunting and interview tips, and to polish your resume.

If you look at the welcome schedule, there are a lot of different programs and meetings for students of specific colleges (like James Madison students, Honors college students, etc.), so if you are part of a college, make sure that you pay attention to your schedule.

The "Fall Welcome Spartan Spectacular" starts at 4 P.M. at Munn Field. If you're walking, honestly, just follow the sounds of people and loud music. Anyways, this is the best event of the year. They serve food at this, but it is only if you have a meal plan (if you're an incoming freshman, you're covered). To encourage you to go to this, they usually close all dining halls during the Fall Welcome Spectacular. If nothing else, come for the experience! It's very loud and crowded, but it's a lot of fun and most of the booths give out free food.

There is music, and the MSU radio station is usually here, and it's very loud and crowded.

The best part of this, for me, is Sparticipation. It's basically a fair, where the student organizations put up tables with information about their groups and, to entice people, they usually have free stuff to pass out. (For some of them, you do have to sell your soul to get freebies because you sign up for e-mail lists. I received e-mails from the LEAF club twice a week all year, despite never attending the meetings, all for a packet of ramen.)

Come find me! I will be at the Pilipino American Student Society (PASS) table, talking about the organization and maybe giving away free stuff! (I'm not sure what just yet). Even though it's called Pilipino student society, we welcome anybody! I'll do an update with the times of our meetings later, but they're a great way to learn more about Filipino culture, and to eat Filipino food!

I will probably also be at the Asian Christian InterVarsity table, as well. Again, the name sounds a little bit intimidating, but you don't have to be Asian or Christian to join. It's a wonderful organization that holds a weekly small and large Bible study. Even if you're not Christian, they provide a wonderful support group and it's where I made my first friends on campus. I highly recommend checking them out!

If you're interested in more information from either group, just send me an e-mail or leave a comment and I'd be happy to send it to you!

Anyways, make sure that you browse around all of the different Sparticipation tables. There's so much free stuff to be given away! A lot of free pens, some shirts, Ramen, candy, etc. Take a look at the student organizations list to get a feel for the groups that you might want to join!

At around 9:30, they put on a wonderful fireworks show. I was only able to stay for part of it last year, but it's always big, exciting, and fun.

So if you have time, definitely come out to Sparticipation today! It's a fabulous event, I highly recommend it from the bottom of my heart. Just make sure not to stay out too late, because classes start tomorrow!

Go green!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Just wanted to say I enjoy reading your blog posts... they sort of help me get an idea of what college will be like. I remember reading the one on Asian racism on campus over a year ago, and now I've stumbled on your blog again (through soompi)! MSU was actually on my list of colleges I wanted to go to, and I loved the people and campus... and the fact that you guys had a Chipotle and froyo shop. In the end I chose Wayne State in Detroit, but there could be a chance I'll transfer to MSU. Well, good luck on your new semester and keep on blogging!
