Monday, August 19, 2013

MSU Welcome Week Day 1: 8/25

If you don't know what welcome week is, it is basically a series of events that go on from between the time you move in until classes start, designed to welcome you onto campus!

If you want to take a look at the schedule, you can click the link. But I'll just post a little bit about the days and the events.

This is move-in day for new students! I hope you enjoy the experience. There is a lot of excitement in the air because everyone is in the same boat as you: a new student!

Move-in for me was really easy, because my cousin and his friend (both MSU students) came to help me. And I lived on the first floor of Hubbard, so I didn't have to fight for the elevator or climb up the stairs. As I mentioned before, my roommate was on a trip until the day before classes started, so I had the room to myself for two nights. It was so nice, but I didn't really make a lot of (read: any) friends because I'm really shy and I didn't leave my dorm a lot, except for the required events.

Some things to know about move in: This is move in day for ALL new students from the United States. So, it's going to be incredibly busy around the dorms, there might not be very good/close parking spots (move in and move out days are pretty much the only times that they let you park on the grass) and since it's still "summer" in Michigan, it could be HOT. But after you're all moved in, the residence halls offer free food for you and your family, so you could treat them to a meal at the dining halls.

Anyways! You can see the list of activities on the site, but here's a few of the highlights.

There are usually floor meetings on move in day. It is important that you attend them because you can meet your floor Resident Assistants (RA) and your floormates. Also, if your floor has any particular rules (for instance, one side of Akers is "dry" so, no alcohol and some floors are quiet floors), then they will tell you them.

Personally! I moved in late in the day because I had to work, so I missed the floor meeting. (I also "missed" every meeting there after). Some RAs are cool with it and don't mind, but I know one RA who would use his master key to burst into dorms if people weren't at the meeting. Anyways, since this is your first day on campus, it would be great to at least know the names of the people who will be living in your hall! Your RA will probably send you an e-mail before you move in to let you know when the meeting will be.

There are two fun events on this night: Midnight Bingo Mania at the International Center (if you don't know where that is, use MSU maps. Also, International Center is a very good place to know because it is home to the Crossroads Food Court with Sparty's, Subway, Panda Express, Woody's Oasis, and Villa Pizza) where you can win some cool prizes, and also ice skating at Munn Ice Arena. I didn't go to either of them because my cousin took me around to show me campus and East Lansing, but some of my friends went and said it was very cool and fun.

That's all for the first day! I hope you have a fabulous time moving in, and that you make a lot of friends before classes start! Up next, I'll do a review on the next day of Welcome Week, to get you ready in the week before you move in!

Go green!

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